
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Minute to Pin It

Probably most of you have heard of the wonderful, virtual bulletin board called

If you have the Pin It button installed on your browser, it takes literally a second to "pin" something you see (a photo, cool tutorial, or recipe) to your own personal bulletin board.  In fact, you can have lots of bulletin boards, categorized in any way you want.  And you can share them with others and repin others' stuff to yours.

The best part of all is that the original url where you saw the item you pinned is retained so you can go back to it later.  But the downside for me is that I pin like crazy and then never actually try the great ideas I have seen.

Well, not today!  One of my most "repinned" pins is for a Pottery Barn knockoff for Sheet Music Candles.

Pottery Barn Sheet Music Candles
The original poster was Gail at Can't Stop Making Things, and her tutorial is excellent.

I got my tissue paper, scissors and card stock together as well as a piece of scrapbook paper that has a music motif already (and an aged look).

Make sure you know how your paper should be put in to have it print on the tissue paper side.  I marked a blank paper with a red "X" and put it in face down.

Yup, that's the correct orientation for my printer!
Next, I did as Gail instructed and taped the tissue paper to the card stock.  I then put it through the printer.

Paper jam!
Maybe I didn't use enough tape?  I decided to wrap my card stock a little like a package on my second attempt so it wouldn't get jammed.

It worked!

My advice to use less tissue on the back side than I did on this one because it was a little too thick.  I did better on my second attempt.

I wrapped my Dollar Tree candle and a candle from Ikea ($3 total) with the printed tissue as Gail instructed.

One thing I found is that it's easier to cut the tissue to the correct size if it's still attached to the card stock.

The last step on Gail's tutorial was to heat the candle surface with a heat gun.  I don't have one, but I noticed in the comments that someone recommended a hair dryer, so I tried that.

It worked!
Note that I used the hottest temperature but the lowest (directed) airflow and burnished the paper as the wax heated up to smooth out any wrinkles and increase adhesion.

Here's the finished candlescape!  The little bonbon candle came from Dollar Tree.

Easy, cheap, and cute is music to my ears!

Thanks, Gail!


  1. those candles turned out really nice!

    {I'm a spartan through & through - did my grad work there... but regardless of the outcome tomorrow, we can still be friends!}

  2. Great job! Your instructions are right on too...thank you.

    I adore Pinterest but have not been on there much lately. Do you have the instructions to add the gadget or widget or whatever to our blogs?



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