
Friday, January 6, 2012

A Weighty Resolution

Happy New Year, a little late!

I hope you rang in the New Year with lots of bubbly family and friends.  We went to a party this year, but I actually enjoy staying at home on New Years Eve.  Boring to some but relaxing to me.

New Years is, of course, a time for making resolutions.  I have a love/hate relationship with them.  I think it's good to reflect on my life and the things I want to change, but I feel really bad about myself when I fail, yet again, to fulfill them all.

Like many people, high on my list of resolutions is to lose weight and eat more healthfully.  About 4 years ago, I lost 30 lbs. in 6 months.  I kept it off for two years.

But something has happened to me in the past two years.  I guess I could blame it on hormones (or lack thereof) or stress (Type A?).  But I think the culprit is that I stopped paying attention.  I eased up a little.  Then a little more.  Then a lot.  I've gained back about half of what I initially lost.

Most people wouldn't say that I am overweight, and according to the calculators, I have a normal body mass index (BMI) and weight.  But I just feel better when I weigh about 10-15 lbs. less.  I am short-waisted, so those extra pounds really show, especially in my midsection.  I am the poster child for the muffin top.

When I lost weight last time, I used the online tools at to log my weight, food intake, and workout activity.  I was brutally honest with myself and spent quite a bit of time each day entering information and figuring out the best choices when we occasionally dined out.  I tried to eat about 1,400 calories a day, heavy on the protein and light on the carbs, especially the refined ones.

Honestly, I didn't exercise much last time, but I think I may have to kick my booty in gear in order to lose this time.  My metabolism has slowed, and cutting calories alone may not be enough.  Besides, weight-bearing exercise is good for your bones.

I also plan on being fanatical about portion sizes.  Another tool that I use is my electronic food scale which is incredibly accurate.

If you have any tips on how to lose weight (especially if you're over 50!), please share them in the comments!  Also, if you have a great recipe to share that is diet-friendly, post the link!  And if you are already at your goal weight and have been able to maintain it long-term, what is your secret?

Did you make any resolutions?


  1. I need to join you! Your story sounds like mine....30 pounds lost that have returned. :-( Sounds like your 1012 is off to a great start! Happy Saturday...hugs...Debbie

  2. Walking 4 days a week, each day, 2-3 miles will do the weight loss. do it before breakfast, when you first get up, before your body knows what the heck is going on. It works, tho, honest, I lost 10 lbs, this last summer, doing just that. but will have to repeat again in the spring. Not much going on in WI,in the winter, and walking outside on the icy sidewalks, is not a good thing, so will have to start over again this spring. OH...and forget the not even buy it, or have it in the house to stare at you. Candy talks loudly, who would think that? Oh, so do potato chips..NO NO NO NO, leave them at the grocery store. Peanuts too....

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