
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Viva Las Vegas

Today I welcomed my friend and co-worker, Thelma, to the Nifty Fifty club.

She and I share January birthdays: mine is on the 16th and hers is on the 18th, so she's exactly 1 year and 2 days younger than me.  Thelma will be celebrating her 50th with a girls' trip to Las Vegas.

I was invited to go, but I don't enjoy losing my money.  Maybe it's because I'm a  control freak accountant, but I'm constantly assessing my financial position to see how much I'm down.

Kinda hard to enjoy yourself when you're worried about losing your shirt.  (Figuratively, not literally, although in Vegas, you never know.)  I figure that anyone who's as risk-averse as I am shouldn't be in Vegas.

Luckily, though, I don't mind taking calculated risks.  So I committed the cardinal sin of baking and tried out a new recipe for Thelma's birthday cake.  Luckily, this was a low-risk gamble because the Triple Coconut cake recipe I used was posted by a very accomplished cook, Paula at Salad in a Jar.  I saw it a few months ago and have had it on my must-try list ever since.

It's called Triple Coconut Cake because coconut milk, flaked coconut, and cream of coconut hit the trifecta of flavor.  And it starts with a boxed mix, which is a benefit when you need to whip something up in a hurry.

Coconut milk replaces the water that's called for in the cake mix and adds another layer of coconutty goodness.  I used light coconut milk to cut the calories (550 calories per cup for regular, 180 for light).  If you can find coconut water (46 calories per cup), that could be used in place of the coconut milk for an even greater reduction in calories.

Bake the cake

and let cool for about 15 minutes.  Meanwhile, heat the cream of coconut in the microwave and stir to combine.  Poke holes in the cake

and pour the warm cream of coconut into the holes and around the edges of the cake.  Cool, then refrigerate overnight.

Frost with cool whip (I used light to cut calories), then sprinkle with coconut.  I used both toasted and regular flaked coconut and just plain whipped topping for the middle stripe.

I may not be going to Vegas, but I hit the jackpot with this recipe!

Want a bite?

Linking to:

Cast Party Wednesday

Miz Helen’s Country Cottage


  1. Happy Birthday Vicky!!!! I hope you made one of these for yourself too! It looks so moist and delicious - I love coconut milk and can only imagine how yummy it makes this cake! That last picture is making my mouth water!

  2. Happy Birthday Vicky and to your friend! My husband is going to just love this cake, he is a big coconut lover and this cake looks delicious. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. MMM! I love coconut cake and this looks nothing short of incredible!!

    Stopping by from Cast Party Weds.


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