
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Torn Apart

We're getting ready for new floors on Monday. Yay! I think.

I've been frantically trying to move crap out of the way so that the installers can move the furniture more easily without breaking anything and so that my dust cleanup will be minimized.

Emptying the pantry (new, larger porcelain tile is coming)
Better look at the Before tile (and my pantry mess)

Clearing off the bookshelves (bye-bye old carpet, hello wood floors!)
Wow.  Just wow.  Seems like my whole house is torn apart.

Unsettling doesn't begin to describe it.


  1. So much hard work, but it really will be worth it! Can't wait to see the new floors...I know they will be beautiful.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, but it will be so worth it...Like having a baby you will for get the pain and just admire what you get!


  4. We did the same thing a number of years ago and I thought the mess would never end but then it was done and I have loved it every day since then........... this too shall pass! Can't wait to see your "after" pictures!


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