
Friday, October 21, 2011

Garage Stuff -- Industrial Chic and an Antique

I have been cleaning the garage of all things because I'm preparing for two major events in the next couple of weeks:  a garage sale (next Friday) and new flooring (starting on Halloween--hopefully not a bad omen).

So while I was sorting through the flotsam, I happened upon a lot of trash but a few treasures that I may need to steal for inside.  My Man is originally from New England, and I suspect that these came from his Dad's stash.

Mini galvanized storage cube -- about 6 inches square
A neat wooden box from Eagle Lock Company with original graphics, painted red on the outside...

Mustard yellow on the inside

and back

And then this...the piece de resistance!

Antique Biscuit Box with original label - Yowser!

Oh, I LOVE this!  But how can I use it inside?  I don't want to damage the graphic which is already tattered.

It says that this company was established in 1863 and "36 Years a Success", so that would put its age at 112 years old!  Just barely 19th century, but I'll take it!  My husband's great-grandfather had a General Store in Maine, so maybe it came from there...

It is stunning!  I think it deserves better than dust masks and respirators, don't you?

I did something SO STUPID recently and damaged a family heirloom.  I'm afraid to admit it, but let me just say this:  be careful where you put real pumpkins, because they can rot very quickly.  If they're on top of something, it will be damaged.  Oh, I can't even tell you.   Makes me SO sad.  Lesson learned:  only faux pumpkins inside!  Maybe the garage treasures are better off left with My Man.   The neglect isn't killing them, but I accidentally might!

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  1. Oh dear! I can only imagine your horror when you discovered the pumpkin.

    Love the biscuit box. I don't know about you, but old stuff has all new meeting after I took up food photography.

  2. How fun Vicki, to discover all these treasures in your own garage! I don't think, well actually I know that there is nothing interesting like this in my garage!

  3. Oh my. A husband that shops and has all of these grand things in his garage to "borrow". You are blessed! ;) Sorry about your pumpkin mishap! (Adding you to my reader!)


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