My late mother-in-law once put together a scrapbook of old greeting cards for my husband. Most of them are between 40 and 50 years old.
My Man is typically not interested in this sort of thing, but I enjoy thumbing through the yellowed pages and remembering a time when people sent handwritten letters and greetings to their loved ones. People generally didn't pick up the phone back then because long distance calls were very expensive. I'm glad we have this book to remember the niceties of days gone by.
There are five scrapbook pages devoted to valentines. I love both the graphics with their bright colors and the classic childhood themes:
SPACE (This was in the era of the Space Race)
My original intention was to frame some of these beautiful cards to enjoy during the season, but I'm not sure if I should disturb the scrapbook. Will I regret it? I mean, I know that I can always put them back later. I just feel that it may be a little sacrilegious somehow. But it's better to enjoy them than to have them stuffed away somewhere, right?
I would color copy them and use them, but keep the originals as they are.