
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Daze

My two children are off of school today (and I'm off of work) because of a supposed "snow day." Here is a shot from my front window.

North Texas Snow
I will be first to admit that it is bitter cold here today:  18 degrees, to be exact.  But by my standards, the little dusting of snow on the ground is almost laughable!  I was born and raised in Upper Michigan where we used to get pounded by the lake effect snow.  Winter literally lasted for 6 months, from November through April.  

Northern Michigan Snow
According to a local website there, this season's snowfall as of January 25th is 115.7 inches with 28 inches on the ground.  And it really doesn't start piling up until February.  There is a snow thermometer near my hometown that is a tourist favorite.  Record snowfall of 355.9 inches (the top of that thermometer) was recorded for the last winter I lived in Upper Michigan.

The Snow Thermometer
I do not like this cold weather one little bit, but at least we don't have to deal with much snow.  And I'm enjoying my day off!

Are you staying warm?  Do you like snow?


  1. We never have snow days here. Things might get very chaotic but everybody is still supposed to show up where they need to be. I wish we had snow days, sounds like so much fun, some extra vacation days in a long winter.
    Enjoy having your kids at home.

  2. Here in my part of Utah, which is supposed to get a lot of snow, we have only received a few inches. I miss it so! I love the snow thermometer in the UP! Joni


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