
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Cleanup and a New Year's Resolution

Today is New Years Day, my traditional day for taking down the Christmas tree and decorations.  I like keeping the seasonal items up for my New Year's Eve party, but once that is over, I yearn to return to normalcy (whatever that is).

Last night I hosted a party and my house was pretty and festive and clean.  There was candlelight and laughter, along with all manner of savory and sweet snacks and the traditional bubbly at midnight.  I snuggled into bed at 2 am.  Y-a-w-n!

Happy New Year 2011!
At 8 am, I gathered up all of the bits and bobs of Christmas

and thoroughly trashed my beautiful, clean house.  Temporarily, I hope.

My dog, Jazz, was wondering what the heck was going on and couldn't resist poking his nose into a few things.

"Whatcha doing, Mommy?"
 I decided that as long as I was going through a lot of my Christmas stuff anyway, I was going to try to consolidate it all in one place.  And then I decided that I need a smallish project like this once a week.  I have a confession to make:  My name is Vicki V., and I'm a Closet Stasher.

Although all looks calm, cool, and collected on the outside, lurking behind (and beneath) are pockets of chaos, like this

Hall armoire=future wrapping station?

And this

Master bedroom closet gives new meaning to "Christmas leftovers"
  And this

Pantry: packaged food on steroids?
So today I resolve to take responsibility, to clean up my act, one baby step at a time.  This week:  Christmas decor.  Next week:  The dreaded pantry.  Can I truly tackle 52 decluttering projects this year (no matter how small?).  Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute puppy! I am trying to get all my Christmas stuff put away too. I feel like it has to be up through Jan 1 but after that...I just want it to disappear. But I've been running around too much to get it done. I vow that tomorrow it will be gone. Thanks for you nice comment bout my kitchen on my blog. I have thought about painting my backsplash tile but just have not decided if I'll do it or not.


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